Starring: Anna Karczmarczyk as ‘Ewa’


Anna Karczmarczyk: born 24.09.1991 in Warsaw, Poland.

Actress. Studies at the acting department at the Theatre Academy named after Aleksander Zelwerowicz in Warsaw. Passionate about motorbikes and Italian literature and culture.


1. M like Love/TV Series (2010-2011) – role as “Ola Malinowska”

2. Weekend (2010) – role as “Sophia” dir. Cezary Pazura

3. Mall Girls (2009) – lead role “Alicja” dir. Katarzyna Rosłaniec

-Koszalin (Koszalin Festival of Film Debuts “The Young and Film”)
Award for her acting debut in the main female role.
-Cottbus (Festival of Young East European Cinema) Acting award.

4 – Na Wspólnej/TV Series (2003-2011) – roles as “Daria” and “Anna”

Character bio | Ewa is a gentle, worldly and sophisticated young woman who meets Marek by chance, who falls for her immediately. Ewa is a stewardess and constant travel makes it difficult for her to secure any long term attachments with people. Nevertheless, it does not prevent her from inspiring their lives..