Posted by on Feb 10, 2014 in Demo Reels | 0 comments

Agata Zalecka – actress
Born: August 7, 1982


Personal Details:
• Hair Color: dark blond, light red
• Height: 173 cm
• Languages: English: fluent, Italian: basic, Portuguese: basic

• Diver – Dive Master, Deep Diver, Nitrox Diver
• Singing – Mezzosoprano , musical singing, actor song
• Musical Dance, Modern – Jazz, Broadway Dance
• General sports, Master of Polish Actress 2010 in classic swimming – Apnea diving
• Basic horse riding
• Basic stunt skills
• Car driving licence

• 2010 „Randka w Ciemno” – cast
• 2009 „Rewers” dir. Borys Lankosz – casted as the Friend from the Press Office
• 2008 “Balladyna” dubbing – Fane Dunnaway
• 2003 „Sukces” – cast
• 2001 „Blok PL” – cast
• 2001 Sezon na Leszcza – cameo

TV Theater:
• 2009 (May) Cisi i Gęgacze, TV Theatre – dir. Ryszard Bugajski, cast – project not finilized
• 2008 (Dec) TV Theatre „Prezent dla Edwarda G.” dir. Janusz Dymek – casted as Krystyna

Documentary, Short Films, Independent Films:
• 2009 (May) Documentary „Roznosiciele Radości”, dir. K Rogulski – casted as Łączniczka SOWA
• 2008 (Feb) Film OFF Szafy -casted as The Neighbour
• 2007 (Oct) D a y D r e a m , Polish/German Production dir. Robin Mauer – casted as the Varsovian
• 2007 (May) Umbra Film OFF cast
• Warsaw Film School short films

• 2009 (Sep) BOTOX, Journalist/Devil/Nurse, Kamienica Theatre
• 2009 (Feb) „Zadyma u Siudyma” direct. J.J. Należyty, M.Siudym Łowicki House of Culture
• 2008 (Dec) „Bal u Salomona” , casted as Natalia, Kamienica Theater
• 2003-1999 Studio Buffo Theater – Musical „Metro”, „1000 Metro” – Dramatic Theater
• 2003 Theater ROMA – Valentine’s Performance

• 2011 Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju
• 2008 (Sep) externist exam ZASP – Drama Actress Diploma – Member of the International
Federations of Actors
• 2008-2006 Warsaw Film School – Acting Department, Drama Lessons conducted in the style of the
ACTOR`s STUDIO – Lee Strasberg Method, Drama Workshop – Louis Galli, Teacher from
New School University NN, Lee Strasberg Method
• 2006-2009 – Camera Acting Workshop – K. Lang, M. Wojtyszko, T. Kotlarczyk,
• 2002 , Music Record with Maciej Zembaty – Songs from the Coffin Case, vocalist
• 2002-2001 „What is Playing in my Soul ” TV music performances, dir; Zbigniew Górny
• 2004 „Kraj się śmieje” TV music performances, dir. Krzysztof Jaślar – TVP 2
• „Sylwester z Jedynką” TVP1 2001 TV Music Performance, dir. Janusz Józefowicz
• 1999 Dance Workshops in the Silesia Theater of Modern Dance, Jacek Łumiński, Bytom
• 1999-1997 The School of Dancing, Studio Metro, Jerzy Fidusiewicz

TV Series:
• 2011 Daleko od Noszy
• 2010 (Feb) Hotel 52, dir. G. Kuczeriszka, casted as an Auction Participant
• 2009 (Oct) Samo Życie, dir. Teresa Kotlarczyk, casted as a local Journalist
• 2009 (Sep) Szpilki na Giewoncie – dir. R.Wichrowski, cast
• 2009 (June) Synowie – dir. K Jaroszyński – casted as Iga
• 2009 (May) Usta Usta – casted as the new bar tender Jola
• 2009 (Feb) Przeznaczenie dir. Mariusz Palej, TV series episode 8 „Dom”, casted as Renata Dziewicz
• 2008 (Jul-Dec) Tylko Miłość – casted as Ania Dziennikarka
• 2008 (Oct) Wydział Zabójstw (30) – casted as Martyna Wiśniewska
• 2008 (Jan-Oct) „Daleko od Noszy” dir. K. Jaroszyński, casted as the Nurse
• 2007 (Nov) „Na Wspólnej” – casted as Milena
• 2006 (Nov) „Ekipa” dir. Agnieszka Holland, casted as the Journalist
• 2006 „Kryminalni”- casted as Sabina Antonisz

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